UNIFORMS & School supplies
All students are encouraged to feel pride in being members of Webber Academy and adhere to our uniform requirements. Appropriate dress is expected of all students throughout the school day and good grooming is equally important.
Uniform items must be clean and in good repair. All members of staff have been asked to check students for general neatness. Parents will be contacted if the uniform worn by the student is incomplete or inappropriate and students who are non-compliant will not be permitted to attend classes.
Each item of clothing should be marked with the student’s name. The school is not responsible for lost clothing.
Webber Academy’s uniform supplier is Top Marks. Top Marks is a highly reputable Canadian manufacturer and distributor of school uniforms. The company is based out of Montreal. Top Marks has a fitting team based in Calgary available to assist families at the school with sizing during pre-scheduled fitting dates. Parents can place their order online, by fax, or by email. Should you have any questions, we recommend contacting Top Marks customer service at 1-800-667-7105 ext. 239, or their Calgary representative, Irene Patton, at irene@topmarks.ca. Parents are reminded that all regulation uniform pieces must be purchased through Top Marks.
Please see the Parent-Student Handbook for detailed uniform expectations.
Pre-Owned Uniforms
Families can purchase gently used pre-owned uniforms from Wylie’s Closet - an initiative run by Parent Council to collect and sell pre-owned uniforms.
Wylie’s Closet opens every second Wednesday of the month for a Parent Council-led uniform sale. Please refer to the school calendar for specific hours and occasional date changes. Payment is accepted by cash or cheque; cheques payable to “Webber Academy Parent Council”. Any questions can be directed to wawyliescloset@gmail.com.
Please see the recommended school supply lists for Junior and Senior High students below:
Senior High School Supplies
All school supplies will be provided for students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase items prior to the start of the school year for those grades.
Please refer to the Parent Student Handbook for any further questions regarding school supplies and uniforms.